Seminar on Environmental Services and Financing for the Protection and Sustainable use of Ecosystems

Seminar on Environmental Services and Financing for the Protection and Sustainable use of Ecosystems

Agencia Suiza para el Medio Ambiente, los Bosques y el Paisaje; Secretaría de la Convención del Agua de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE)

Mon, 10/10/2005 / Tue, 11/10/2005

This seminar is a follow-up to the ‘Seminar on the Role of Ecosystems as Water Suppliers’ (December 2004), in which governmental officials, experts from international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector highlighted the role of water-related ecosystems (wetlands and forests) in water management and made recommendations for an effective implementation of the ecosystem approach.

This Seminar will be organized around three major themes: valuing ecosystem services, legal and contractual aspects, and challenges for implementation. Each theme will be introduced by one or more keynote lectures. At the end of the seminar, participants will draw conclusions and make recommendations to the Parties to the Convention.

Agencia Suiza para el Medio Ambiente, los Bosques y el Paisaje; Secretaría de la Convención del Agua de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE)
(Ginebra, Suiza)