Colloquium: Dams at the beginning of the 21st century, 10-11 march 2005, Dresden - Germany

Colloquium: Dams at the beginning of the 21st century, 10-11 march 2005, Dresden - Germany

Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Applied Hydromechanics

Thu, 10/03/2005 / Fri, 11/03/2005

The Annual Dresden Conference on Hydraulic Engineering 2005 will be promoted together with the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Trinkwassertalsperren e.V.". Recent events have once again raised the importance of dams and reservoirs. A safe supply of drinking water and water for industrial use, reservoir management and an appropriate in the case of flood, also in terms of ecological risk management standpoints, pose new challenges for the future

Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Applied Hydromechanics

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