7th Water Information Summit

7th Water Information Summit

La Asociación Americana de Recursos Hídricos (AWRA), la Comisión Estatal del Agua del Estado de Guan

Mon, 01/11/2004 / Tue, 02/11/2004

The American Water Resources Association (AWRA), the State Water Commission of Guanajuato (CEAG), Mexico, and the WaterWeb Consortium are collaborating to hold the 7th Water Information Summit and WaterWeb Consortium Meeting at the end of the AWRA Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida and at the ExpoAgua 2004 in Guanajuato, Mexico. The purpose of these meetings is to continue the exchange of information on the use of the Internet to promote the use of integrated land and water management approaches to cope with the world’s water problems.
Abstracts for oral or poster presentations are invited for both meetings and are due no later than August 30, 2004. Relevant topics include but are not limited to
- New information sharing technologies
- Water and water-related information sharing efforts
- Water taxonomies, indexing schemes, and the use of metadata
- Information portals in water management, hydrology, or related fields
- Internet delivered distance learning and capacity building efforts
- Information and knowledge needs of watershed managers to implement integrated land and water resources management (IWRM)
- Case studies are invited on all of the above topics

La Asociación Americana de Recursos Hídricos (AWRA), la Comisión Estatal del Agua del Estado de Guan
(Estados Unidos)