6th European Waste Water Management Conference

6th European Waste Water Management Conference

Aqua Enviro Technology Transfer

Tue, 09/10/2012 / Wed, 10/10/2012

On 9 and 10 October 2012 will be held on "VI European Conference on wastewater management" (Sixth European Conference Waste Water Management) in Manchester (UK).

Water resources are under increasing pressure by the increase in population and urbanization, rapid industrialization and intensification of food production. In this context there are a number of major engineering challenges for the XXI century as meet future water demand, ensuring a sustainable water supply and improve the treatment of sewage.

Given the expected water shortages and the need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, most industrialized countries are obliged to reconsider the treatment they undergo wastewater. The event will address current problems and possible solutions to this issue and discuss several ongoing research activities dedicated to water treatment works to the precise level, cost-efficiently and with respect for the environment.

This event will address problems and solutions for the management and treatment of wastewater.

Aqua Enviro Technology Transfer
(Manchester, Reino Unidos)