MED4.1 Industrial Wastewater Management in the Mediterranean

Agence Française de Développement

Thu, 15/03/2012 / Thu, 15/03/2012

The sanitary situation in the Mediterranean, which is a closed sea and thus more vulnerable to the impacts of pollution, has been considered sufficiently alarming for Euro-Mediterranean Environment Ministers in 2006 to establish the target, through the Horizon 2020 Initiative, to control pollution in the Mediterranean. Among the predominant sources of pollution, industrial discharges are of particular concern because of its nature, variability in time and composition but also due to the multiplicity of actors involved and the lack of policy framework and funding mechanism. As domestic wastewaters have been the target of structured public policy, industrial wastewater often remains poorly treated. The objective of this session is to share "solutions" aiming at improving the framework and funding for industrial wastewater treatment. These "solutions" rely on a combination of involvement of public wastewater operators, mechanisms of funding through tax collection and distribution, merge different wastewater on an industrial zone and share its treatment, etc.

Agence Française de Développement
(Marseille, France)