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MED3.2 Involving All Water Stakeholders to Adapt its Governance to the Climate, Political, Socio-Economic and Environmental Changes in the Mediterranean
Mediterranean Water Institute
Wed, 14/03/2012 / Wed, 14/03/2012
The water issues (scarcity, quality, flood risks) have always been and will be even more crucial for welfare, peace and stability in the Mediterranean. Improving water governance and fostering its evolution is thus an obvious necessity. In this sense, the appropriate recognition of the complexity (multi-level, multi-use) of these issues, interdependent with other concerns of general interest (territorial planning, food security, public health, energy...) requires the mobilisation of all stakeholders. To make this mobilisation operational, and compensate the shortcomings diagnosed in the articulations between the levels of water governance, the "solutions" can draw on a variety of processes (decentralization, delegation, consultation, capacity building, information, etc.).The aim of the session is to share solutions, on the setting up of diagnosis tools, combining bottom-up and top-down approaches, and fed through experiences (successful or otherwise), being careful to preserve the particular context of each country.
Mediterranean Water Institute
(Marseille, France)