Conference "The fight against privatization of water management"

Plataforma contra la Privatización del Canal de Isabel I

Wed, 08/02/2012 / Wed, 08/02/2012

The Ateneo de Madrid and the Platform against the privatization of Canal de Isabel II organized an event on "The fight against privatization of water management" on 8 February at 18.30 at the Ateneo de Madrid.

The purpose of the act is to analyze comprehensively the privatization of public water supply and sanitation, which is acute in the context of current crisis. This will have the participation of four excellent speakers: Renato de Nicola, Luis Babiano, Julio Hernandez-Setién and Nuria Mora, president of CANF, which from their different experiences and share their vision optics of the privatization process. After their speeches will be held an open discussion between attendees and speakers.

Plataforma contra la Privatización del Canal de Isabel I
(Madrid, España)

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