Seminar Information: Call for Projects Program Standard ENPI Mediterranean


Fri, 20/01/2012 /

The Generalitat Valenciana, as head of the European Programme ENPI Antenna for the Western Mediterranean, in collaboration with Europe Direct Valencia, organized an information day on the new standards call for proposals published by the ENPI Mediterranean.

ENPI MED CBC program's general objective is to help promote a process of sustainable and harmonious cooperation at Mediterranean Basin to address common challenges and value their endogenous potential. The program involves 14 countries, 7 and 7 European neighbors.

The objective is to determine the characteristics of the new call for projects between Valencian entities interested in submitting nominations. The call has a budget of € 56,507,136 for projects. This is the last call that the ENPI Mediterranean Programme will be published in the current programming period (2007-2013).

The deadline for submitting nominations is February 29, 2012.

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(Valencia, Spain)

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