Conclusion of the 17th session of the IHP Council

Fri, 07/07/2006

The 17th session of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Intergovernmental Council concluded on 7 July 2006 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. Among the main topics under discussion during the Council were: issues concerning the role of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in the IHP and how to enhance collaboration, new proposals received from Member States for the establishment of centres under the auspices of UNESCO, development of a strategy for UNESCO's water centres, including suggestions for setting in place a process for developing such a strategy, follow up to Resolution XVI-7 on IHP governance, endorsement of the draft Strategic Plan of the 7th phase (2008-2013) of IHP and the proposed addition of a new fifth theme on water education in response to new developments within UNESCO, the role that IHP would be expected to play in the UNESCO-wide strategy for water education at all levels.