Application of the hydrologic model distributed HIDRAS to a river basin with sudden avenues. Case: Santa Catarina River, Nuevo Leo'n (Mexico)

[Application of the hydrologic model distributed HIDRAS to a river basin with sudden avenues. Case: Santa Catarina River, Nuevo Leo'n (Mexico) ]

A distributed hydrological model (HIDRAS) was proven in Santa Catarina river basin, in Nuevo León (Mexico), taking advantage of available spatial information. The application necessarily implies an improvement to understand and represent physical processes through the runoff phenomena determining parameters, especially in river basins with flash flood. The development of distributed model involves thematic maps handing which contain the physical characteristics of the river basin (land elevation, soil type, land use, hydrographic network, etc.), in addition to climatologic information, and its implementation requires of a GIS with capacity to handle great amount of geo-referenced data.

Language: Español

Format: PDF

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