Towards a Living Jordan River: An Environmental Flows Report on the Rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan River

[Towards a Living Jordan River: An Environmental Flows Report on the Rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan River ]

This new environmental flows study provides a first-ever regional study of the Lower Jordan River undertaken by Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian experts. It identifies the current conditions of the Lower Jordan River and proposes a regional strategy to rehabilitate the historic river. This study concludes that 400-600 million cubic meters (mcm) of water are needed to rehabilitate the Lower Jordan River. FoEME recommends that Israel allocate 220 mcm, Syria 100 mcm and Jordan 90 mcm of water to meet this rehabilitation goal. In addition, FoEME recommends that Palestine, as a riparian to the river, receive a fair share of the Lower Jordan River's water resources.

Friends of the Earth Middle East (FoEME)

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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