Fresh ground water resources in Georgia and management problems of the transboundary artesian basins

[Fresh ground water resources in Georgia and management problems of the transboundary artesian basins]

As it is known fresh water represents conditioned factor for human body’s life. That’s why the superiority of drinking water is recognized (acknowledged) as human body’s priority according to the international declarations. In spite of this nowadays annually caused by low quality water diseased number of people is more than 500 million in the world and material loss is more than 1 billion dollar. World is experienced deficit of quality water today, therefore 1.5 billion people don’t have means to use it. Future prognosis is disturbing – according to the data of UN for 2025 year 2/3 of world population will be under the water deficit conditions. Above-mentioned show how important is fresh water for humanity. Below we present briefly review about the situation of fresh ground water resources and the analysis of the problems in transboundary artesian basins of Georgia.


Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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