Towards the Sustainable Mmanagement of the Guarani Water Systema in the Argentine Republic

[Towards the Sustainable Mmanagement of the Guarani Water Systema in the Argentine Republic]

This investigation is intended to summarize the relevant institutional and legal aspects related to the environmental protection and to the sustainable development of the Guaraní Water System in the Argentine Republic and the present work has been carry out following the qualitative-comparative research method of investigation. At present the institutional and legal frames related to underground water in the Argentine provinces that comprises the SAG, are in general signed by a great number and superposition of legislations and organisms that manage the mentioned resource. The depicted situation risks the elaboration and consequently implementation of an appropriate model of sustainable management applicable to the SAG in the Argentine Republic. Consequently, the following points must be emphasized and considered as relevant axes regarding the environmental protection and sustainable development of the SAG within the territory of the Argentine Republic:
1) The creation of a Unique Water Authority for the Provinces of Santa Fe, Formosa, Misiones and Entre Ríos that centralizes the actions of the hydric sector in one single administration;
2) The creation of a Basin Committee formed by all the Argentine Provinces involved in the SGA in order to harmonize and adopt common directions in the matter of environmental ordering of the territory, control System on the development of the anthropic activities, environmental education, economic system of the promotion of the sustainable development, technical norms for the construction of deep wells and systems for the drainage of the waste thermal resources.


Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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