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Regional Features of Sustainable Use of Fresh Groundwater in Europe (on the Specific Example of Belarus)
[Regional Features of Sustainable Use of Fresh Groundwater in Europe (on the Specific Example of Belarus)]
Freshwater resources are one of the major constituents in successful
development of economy of any part of the world. As a rule, surface
waters provide for agriculture and industry. But since groundwaters
server as a major source of drinking water, their quality and
availability is of vital importance.
This article presents an analytical overview of distribution of fresh
groundwater resources in Belarus, the dynamics of their usage and the
influence of human activity on groundwater resources.
Spatial differentiation of freshwater resources within the borders of
Belarus is reviewed. The dynamics of fresh groundwater abstraction
and consumption during a prolonged period of time (24 years) is
Also, described and classified are the main natural and anthropogenic
factors influencing the quality and availability of fresh groundwater.
Their mapping is done.
As a result, it was found out that the country possesses rather
considerable resources of fresh groundwater sufficient for present and
perspective water demands. However, the quality of groundwater does
not always meet the norm.
Language: Inglés
Format: PDF