Water Imports, An Alternative Solution to Water Scarcity in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan?

[Water Imports, An Alternative Solution to Water Scarcity in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan?]

Water scarcity is a major concern in the Middle East, where most countries have only less than 500m3/capita/year of water available. The annual volume of actual renewable water resources per capita is 261m3 in Israel, approximately 90m3 in Palestine1, and 164m3 in Jordan, while water]rich countries such as the United States have more than 10,000m3.2 Because the situation is getting worse as a result of sustained population growth and economic development in the region, measures must be taken urgently. Desalination is an attractive solution for Israel and other Arab countries. It is a simple solution and does not require transboundary cooperation, but it may not produce sufficient amount of fresh water to meet the rising demands. As a not alternative but a complementary solution, this fact sheet focuses on the potential of exporting water from Turkey to Israel, Palestine, and Jordan.

Israel-Palestine Centre for Research and Information (IPCRI)

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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