Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Case Study (from the 1st United Nations World Water Development Report 'Water for People, Water for Life')

[Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe Basin Case Study (from the 1st United Nations World Water Development Report 'Water for People, Water for Life')]

One of the key objectives of the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) is to help countries improve their self-assessment capability by building on existing strengths and experiences. WWAP fulfils this mission by assisting in the preparation of case studies in countries around the world in order to highlight the state of water resources where different physical, climatic and socio-economic conditions prevail. The Lake Peipsi/Chudskoe-Pskovskoe case study was one of the seven pilot case studies prepared for the 1st United Nations World Water Development Report (2003). The initial case study report analyzes the basin's situation using WWAP's 11 challenge areas as a basis, and concluded that that lake pollution, eutrophication and economic growth were the most critical problems facing the region. This case study was updated in the three years between WWDR1 and WWDR2 (2006).

Programa Mundial de Evaluación de los Recursos Hídricos (WWAP).UNESCO

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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