Planning and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs: An Integrated Approach to Eutrophication - A Student's Guide

[Planning and Management of Lakes and Reservoirs: An Integrated Approach to Eutrophication - A Student's Guide]

This publication provides an overview of the problems and possible solutions associated with eutrophication in freshwater lakes and reservoirs. It takes a look at the origins of the problems, their consequences, solutions and prognoses under an integrated approach. The publication also outlines a new approach to water resources management, emphasizing the need to integrate and solve simultaneously social, cultural, economic, and other associated problems. The watershed approach, which should be adopted in successful management strategies for water quality in lakes and reservoirs, is highlighted.

Centro Internacional de Tecnología Medioambiental (IETC) del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA)

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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