Preserving the Dnipro River. Harmony, History, and Rehabilitation

[Preserving the Dnipro River. Harmony, History, and Rehabilitation]

The Dnipro River is Europe’s second longest river and flows through the heartland of the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Ukraine. For many centuries, it has played a vital role in the historical, cultural, religious and economic development of this vast region. Indeed, it is true to say that nobody can understand this vast region of the world without understanding the dynamic and pivotal role played by this water system. This publication describes the importance of the Dnipro River from an historical perspective, details the steps taken by these international scientists to overcome the river’s environmental degradation, and outlines a strategy to rehabilitate and preserve the Dnipro’s unique biodiversity. The publication also explores a unique approach to sustainable management that blends together both natural and spiritual concerns and draws together philosophical concepts from numerous intellectual traditions, bridging East and West, North and South.

Mosaic Press/CIID

Language: Inglés

Format: HTML

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