Urban Water Reform in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

[Urban Water Reform in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia]

At their meeting in Almaty in October 2000, EECCA Ministers of Environment, Finance and Economics, Ministers and senior representatives from several OECD countries, as well as senior officials from International Financial Institutions, International Organisations, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector recognised the critical condition of the urban water supply and sanitation sector in EECCA and endorsed “Guiding Principles for the Reform of the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in the NIS”. Participants requested that the EAP Task Force prepare a progress report for review at the next “Environment for Europe” Ministerial Conference, in Kiev, May 2003. The present report aims at responding to this request. The report provides a detailed description of the situation and main trends in the EECCA urban water sector. In doing so, it identifies the main trends in the reform process, establishes a detailed set of indicators, and a data base-line against which further progress can be measured at a follow-up conference of stakeholders in 2005...

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Language: Inglés

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