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Nationwide Comparisons of Hail Size with WSR-88D Vertically Integrated Liquid Water (VIL) and Derived Thermodynamic Sounding Data.
[Nationwide Comparisons of Hail Size with WSR-88D Vertically Integrated Liquid Water (VIL) and Derived Thermodynamic Sounding Data.]
This study tests hypothetical correspondences between size of severe hail, WSR-88D derived Vertically Integrated Liquid water (VIL), and an array of thermodynamic variables derived from computationally modified sounding analyses. In addition, these associations are documented for normalized VIL using various sounding parameters; and statistical predictive value is assigned to the various VIL-based and sounding variables. The database was gathered from Weather Service Radar - 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) units nationwide from cases identified during real-time operations, and consists of over 400 hail events -- each associated with a radar-observed VIL value and a modified observational sounding.
Some parameters are found to increase, in the mean, with larger hail size categories. Specific hail size, however, varies widely across the spectra of VIL, thermodynamic sounding variables, and combinations thereof, with only a few exceptions. No operationally useful parameters of value in hail size prediction were discovered in the database of VIL and thermodynamic sounding data. These largely anti-hypothetical findings are compared with hail forecasting and warning techniques developed in the WSR-88D era -- few in number and mostly regionalized and informal in nature -- and with more widespread and empirical forecasting assumptions involving many of the same variables.
Storm Prediction Center
Language: Inglés
Format: PDF