Strategy for Flood Management for Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya

[Strategy for Flood Management for Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya]

This document also benefited from combined efforts and valuable contribution of a group of Kenyan experts guided by the Project Steering Committee and WMO experts. Different departments of Kenya have greatly contributed to the process of the preparation of this document and gave useful advice and suggestions in finalizing it. These, among others, include Eng. K.G. Chesang, Director of Water Development, Eng. L.N. Simitu, Chairman, Project Steering Committee, Dr J.R. Mukabana, Director, Kenya Meteorological Department, Prof. L.A. Ogallo, IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre (ICPAC) Coordinator, Eng. E.M. Mnyamwezi, Project coordinator and all the following Project Steering Committee members: Mr P.D. Munah, Kenya Meteorological Department; Dr A.O. Opere, University of Nairobi and Drought Monitoring Centre Nairobi DMCN; Mr M.O. Ogola, Office of the President, National Disaster Operations Centre; Mr B. Adegu, Drought Monitoring Centre, Nairobi; Mr V. Ogaye and Mr T.M. Mutie. Thanks are also due to the members of the Technical Support Unit of APFM, Mr V.K. Mathur, International consultant (India) and Ms Mimidoo Ahua, Junior editor (Nigeria) for the time they have devoted to the preparation of this valuable document.

Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM)

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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