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The small mountain basin in the development management and the conservation of natural resources
[The small mountain basin in the development management and the conservation of natural resources]
The present work exposes in summarized form four great subjects that are considered excellent to lead processes of management for the development in small river basins or microregions of mountain inhabited in Latin America and the Caribbean by more than 50 million people. The content is based on the analysis of real situations and aim at the action. The first part stands out the importance of recognizing that at the moment the situation of deterioration in the quality levels of life of the inhabitants and the natural resources in many zones of mountain of Latin America and the Caribbean forces to make three types of management in simultaneous form. A management to mitigate crisis effects, a management to recover quality levels of life and resources and a management for the development. In one second part one is to solve four questions. First with respect to determining which are the adaptable criteria, concepts and policies to zones of mountain. Second it looks for to determine the present and potential situation of the zones of mountain as well as to evaluate mainly what efforts have made the countries, in the Andean area, to develop these zones. Third it analyzes the used and recommendable strategies to lead the processes of development in high zones at national, regional and local level. Emphasis in the actions undertaken at level becomes of small river basins and microregions. Finally methodologic aspects for the development of river basins and microregions are included, standing out the urgent necessity to rescue and to order the existing methods. In the document mention to a frame of reference is made elaborated by the Cepal to obtain this ordering that has been denominated "Manual or information system for the development management of mountain zones". The exposed subjects are oriented to practical aspects. Planning and management of hydric resources in river basins of high mountain in Latin America are based mainly on experiences gathered in the Andean area during the execution of the project that was made by the Cepal with the financial support of the Italy Government.
Naciones Unidas, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
Language: Español
Format: PDF