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Regional Project. Integrated systems of processing and use of sewage in Latin America: Reality and Potential
[Regional Project. Integrated systems of processing and use of sewage in Latin America: Reality and Potential]
The city of Tacna is located in the southern coast of Peru and is the capital of the Department of the same name. It is located next to the neighboring Republic of Chile, with which it is united by the Pan-American Highway and with a railroad to the port of Arica.
It maintains direct communication with the departments of Arequipa and Puno, and through this last one it articulates with the city of La Paz in Bolivia.
Located to 558 msnm, and in the center of the river basin of the Caplina, one of the 52 rivers that cut to the ample desert of Peru, Tacna is the head of the desert of Atacama. For this reason, the water shortage is one of the greater obstacles for its development. The city has a population of 231,834 inhabitants, whose productive vocation is oriented to the commerce, transports and other services, as well as to the industry and construction. At river basin level the agricultural activity is also excellent. As opposed to the situation of little water availability for agriculture and due to an increasing competitive demand between the human consumption and the agricultural irrigation, Tacna initiated the studies of groundwater exploration and implemented in 1978, a plant pilot in the Sector Copare for the treatment of wastewater that allowed it to optimize the agricultural development.
Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del ambiente (CEPIS);Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS)
Language: Español
Format: PDF