El Niño incidence in the desertification process, sediments transport and pollution in the Uru-Uru and Poopo lakes

[El Niño incidence in the desertification process, sediments transport and pollution in the Uru-Uru and Poopo lakes]

The present evaluation is part of a multidisciplinary and comprehensive study of the endorreic (closed) Basin of the Bolivian Altiplano (plateau) there were identified four problem categories related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon; physical problems caused by extreme climatic events (frost and halstones), floods and drought scarce regulable hydric resources (mainly south of the basin, due to intense water evaporation, low pluviosity and decreased current feeding flows, because of this it appears not possible to preserve its hydrobiological resources deteriorated environment, (due to erosion and sedimentation) consequences of the socioeconomic reality, by effect of the previous causes.

Language: Español

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