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Study about ecologic quality of the river Cinca
[Study about ecologic quality of the river Cinca]
This Study about the Ecologic Quality of the most important stretches of the river Cinca has been realized by URS for the Water Committee of the Hydrographic Confederation of the Ebro (CHE) under the direction of Area of Water Quality.
It includes the ecological state of the river Cinca and its four principal affluents -Alcanadre, Ésera, Ara e Isábena- according to the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/CE), in effect since december 2000.
The conception of this work is original and implies the application of a specific methodology, because it applies the Directive Framework and because it is based on the integral route of the river. The results of each river basin studied appear in two different documents: a Report and an Atlas for each river has been compiled. In the Report the indicators of ecological state are analyzed and valued; the Atlas is a description of the river, organized by sections.
Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro
Language: Español
Format: PDF