Technologies in water supply for small water supply systems

[Technologies in water supply for small water supply systems]

The superficial waters (rivers, dams and lakes) are the main source of supply of most of the systems of water and sanitation in the Andean region. In less proportion systems of water rain pick up are used, deep wells and little deep wells (rain tanks), the great majority of the systems serve to communities with less than 10,000 inhabitants. Due to the mountainous topography, poor protection of the water sources and the inadequate practices in the solid handling and disposition of residual water, the sanitary risk is high and the treatment of the water, therefore, is more complex, expensive and less reliable. The filtration in multiple stages, FiME (combination of slow sand filters with gravel filters) is an emergent technology that began to be applied in Latin America around 1980 with promissory results and gradually has been introduced within the systems of water provision in Colombia and other countries of Latin America, when a water source is used with an appropriate quality. The fast filtration presents limitations and can be used in those systems with access to an operator of time complete and enabled with good management and administration. In the small systems the first boarded criterion talks about the amount of water, later the quality, once improved the quality introduces the microedition for the quality control; the control programs of losses as soon as they begin to be incorporated, but it is necessary to enable the lending beings of the service to make the benefit more efficient and effective of the service...

Language: Español

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