Efficient use of water in the textile finishing industry

[Efficient use of water in the textile finishing industry]

Identification and exploitation of non-conventional water sources is a priority for many industrial sectors, especially for the textile finishing industry. Therefore a multicriteria integrated and coherent methodology to support the implementation of sustainable water reuse is essential. The methodology conceived within the EU project TOWEF0 (TOWards EFfluent zero) is presented in this paper, together with the tools to carry out all the steps required by its application. A process data collection for technical/economical evaluation in textile companies was performed and integrated with a characterisation of the process effluents in terms of treatability and reusability. Feasibility evaluations of effluents treatment for reuse were performed and reuse tests in textile processes were carried out. These information allowed for the design of optimised water reuse schemes by Water Pinch application, whereas the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) permitted the evaluation and comparison of water reuse scenarios. Physical-chemical and eco-toxicological monitoring campaigns of textile discharges and receiving water bodies were conducted as well. All these specific results, valuable and applicable independently, when integrated into the TOWEF0 methodology, generate viable solutions in accordance with the fundamentals of the IPPC Directive.

European Water Association (EWA)

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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