Water and people: Whose right is it?

[Water and people: Whose right is it?]

In most communities, water supplies are limited and water-use decisions involve difficult choices. Resource economists often recommend that water prices be raised for all uses (industry, agriculture and domestic), arguing that higher prices will encourage more efficient use of water in all sectors. However, the implications for the poor can be negative and lead to increased hardship since they often do not have sufficient financial resources to pay higher prices. While subsidization of water prices has sometimes been suggested as a means of ensuring that water is available for all, the poorest households do not usually have easy access to piped services or irrigation. Participation of women in water resource management is often promoted by national governments. South Africa offers a positive example. The country passed its Water Services Act in 1997 and a National Water Act in 1998, which aimed to redress the gender and racial inequalities and discrimination of the past.

FAO. Organización para la Alimentación y la Agricultura de las Naciones Unidas

Language: Español

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