Living with Risk. A global review of disaster reduction initiatives. 2004 version

[Living with Risk. A global review of disaster reduction initiatives. 2004 version]

While the world has witnessed a drop in the number of deaths per year due to disasters over the past ten years, more people are being affected and economic costs are escalating more than ever. Earthquakes are inevitable, but death in an earthquake is not. Floods are a fact of life, but they need not wash away health, hope and livelihoods. Living with Risk - a global review of disaster reduction initiatives is intended for people who have an interest in and practice disaster risk management and sustainable development. It provides guidance, policy orientation and inspiration, as well as serving as a reference for lessons on how to reduce risk and vulnerability to hazards and to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Natural hazards can affect anyone, anywhere. People are threatened by hazards because of their social, economic and environmental vulnerability, which must be taken into account if sustainable development is to be achieved. Disaster risk reduction therefore concerns everyone, from villagers to heads of state, from bankers and lawyers to farmers and foresters, from meteorologists to media chiefs. Living with Risk: A global review of disaster reduction initiatives brings to light the urgent need for action to be taken – and the people who are doing so – towards building sustainable societies in an increasingly disaster-prone world.

Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR)

Language: Inglés

Format: PDF

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