Environmental Sustainability Index

[Environmental Sustainability Index]

The study analyzes a twenty parameters like the water qualityr, air, contamination, environmental health, technology, paper of the government and the society, etc. The study places to Spain in 44th position in a clasification dominated by Finland and closed by Kuwait, between the 142 analyzed countries. According to the study, Spain is defined as a country "" with a low social vulnerability, but with a poor state of the environment and a stress on the environment "". The positive factors are the environmental health, the international cooperation, the air quality or science and technology. It faults, however, in the reduction of impact in the outside and the more important environmental parameters: biodiversity in danger, amount of water, reduction water impact and degraded space.

World Economic Forum;Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Columbia University;Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy

Language: Inglés

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