Proposal Hydrological Plan of the River Basin Watershed Andalusian Mediterranean

Water planning is a legal requirement that is established with the objectives (art. 40 TRLA) general get good and adequate protection of water bodies in the river, meeting the water demands and balance and harmonization regional and sectoral development. These objectives will be achieved by increasing the availability of the resource, protecting its quality, saving their jobs and streamlining its uses in harmony with the environment and other natural resources. The Basin Water Plan South-designation of the River Basin Watershed Andalusian Mediterranean at that moment, currently in force, approved by Royal Decree 1664/19981. This Water Plan forms a framework which provides an ordering of water uses in the area of ​​the basin. The Plan's objectives were to get the best satisfaction of water demands and to balance and harmonize regional and sectoral development, increasing the availability of the resource, protecting its quality, saving their jobs and streamlining its uses in harmony with the environment and the other natural resources (art.38.1 Law 29/1985, dated August 2, Waters). Under Rule 99 of the Public Administration Water and Water Planning (RAPAPH), the development of South Water Plan was developed in two stages. In the first stage established the guidelines of the Plan, adopted in June 1992 and the second proceeded to draft the Plan itself. The stage began establishing guidelines for the compilation and drafting of the Basic Documentation document, selecting, extracting and systematizing the fundamentals of the studies carried out by government departments and other public authorities with participation in the Council's Water basin. Then proceeded to draft the Draft Guidelines to be contained, first, the description and assessment of situations and major hydrological problems of the basin, and second, an appropriate proposal for guidelines for resolution. In the second stage Hydrological Plan was prepared in accordance with the guidelines adopted in accordance with instructions and recommendations adopted by OM complementary techniques of September 24, 1992. Normative content determinations were published plan by decree on September 6, 1999. Regulations shall be provided a complete overhaul and periodic Plan eight years from the date of approval. The adoption of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has meant a complete overhaul of the planning process and adaptation to the new terms and criteria derived from this legislation and its transposition, so that the revised Water Plan has been matched with the deadline set by the directive for the preparation of river basin management plans referred to in Article 13.

Junta de Andalucia

Language: Español

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