
"Water in Cities"

The projection of the film "Water in Cities", produced by the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO, took place on the main stage of the fair's World Water Day March 20.

As water has become a crucial problem, the film focuses on awareness raising on the current and future challenges regarding the management of urban water resources. Illustrates the water problems facing cities around the world, which manifest themselves in different shapes and sizes in both developed and developing countries, and highlights innovative and sustainable approaches towards sustainable management of urban water resources with which UNESCO seeks to help countries to address the shortcomings water in rapidly growing cities.

The film notes that the integrated management of urban water resources is central to the solutions and strategies for sustainable management of water resources.

Documentary: "Me, the Bidasoa" (Navarra´s Goverment)

Family of water and its recommendations

CONAGUA: Comisión Nacional del Agua

Water and arabians



Deltas Mediterranean Association
Duration: 4 minutes

Water: Challenge of the XXI Century

Seminar on Energy and Global Environment. UPM Social Council
Duration: 17 minutos (Spanish)

Maria Teresa Estevan speaks to one of the challenges of the XXI century: the management of its infrastructure and water supply. Must be made within the framework of sustainable development. All this market should be controlled by the states.

Major dams in Spain

Support Foundation of the National Museum of Science and Technology. Cycle Engineering Construction.
Duration: 44 minutos (Spanish)

Speech by José Antonio Baztán Granda, Professor of prey at the School of Civil Engineering of Madrid, where he analyzes the dams in Spain from two angles: first by the need to store water when there is, for the future and second because of the possibility to defend themselves from possible flooding.

Water in Madrid, where does it come? How much we have? How we can make a sustainable use?

IX Feria Madrid es Ciencia
Duration: 27 minutos (Spanish)

Fermín Villarroya explains the problems for the Community of Madrid in terms of population density to supply the population in water resources. Comment galleries available to Madrid in S. XVIII to capture and transport the water called 'water journey' from the outside of the capital to public sources, but had major deficiencies of health so it was decided to close them to recover it through the sewer through the Canal de Isabel II.

Wastewater. How do we debug?

IX Feria Madrid es Ciencia
Duration: 40 minutos (Spanish)

José Aguado tells us about the method of purifying water for reuse as a method cope with increased consumption, while proposing a debate on the amount of water available on earth for human consumption, discerning between freshwater and saltwater and distribution in the Earth's natural resources.