Siguenos en:
Conferences, seminars and meetings on water. Users are invited to submit their calls.
Mon, 10/05/2010 / Fri, 14/05/2010
Federación Nacional de Comunidades de Regantes de España (FENACORE); Comunidad General de Regantes del Canal de la Derecha del Ebro (CGRCDE)
Mon, 10/05/2010 / Wed, 12/05/2010
Under the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention), back-to-back with the third meeting of the Task Force on Water and Climate
Mon, 10/05/2010 / Tue, 11/05/2010
European Academy for Taxes, Economics & Law
Thu, 06/05/2010 / Fri, 07/05/2010
Fundación La Huella Árabe
Thu, 06/05/2010 / Sat, 08/05/2010
The Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine
Tue, 04/05/2010 / Thu, 06/05/2010
Asociación Internacional de Ingeniería e Investigaciones Hidráulicas (AIIH); Heriot-Watt University; National Telford Institute;
Tue, 04/05/2010 / Fri, 07/05/2010
Mon, 03/05/2010 / Wed, 05/05/2010
Arab Healthy Water Association/ Arab Hydrogeologists League
Sun, 02/05/2010 / Tue, 04/05/2010
European IAHR
Thu, 29/04/2010 / Fri, 30/04/2010
London Business Conferences