Set of institutions and agencies engaged in public ownership from the design and approval of policies for science and technology to the generation of knowledge by conducting research and technological development.

The system has specific objectives, namely:

  • Teaching and create scientific knowledge
  • The technology required for scientific research
  • Perform the above activities in close connection with the current social needs.
  • Create wealth and improve social welfare

The structure of public R + D + I is configured as follows:

Decision makers, planning and coordination, are responsible for making decisions that shape the design of the R & D, planning and coordination of the various players in the system, with the aim of achieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in implementing these policies.

  • National R+D +I Plan: establishing the objectives of scientific and technological research in the public and private sector multi-year periods. Can be reviewed annually. Includes activities to be developed by government research agencies and other agencies and entities to be agreed. The General Plan is funded from the State Budget and other government and contributions from other funds. Plan approval for the Government and its monitoring and evaluation of Parliament from further communications enclosing ejecutivo.Desde approval of the first National Plan in 1988, the Spanish Science-Technology-Enterprise (CTE) has increased the ability of the public R + D + I and openness to productive sectors.
  • Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT): is the body responsible for planning, coordination and monitoring of National Plan I + D + I. It works with two types of committees, the House and the Standing Committee has two advisory bodies: the General Council of Science and Technology Advisory Council for Science and Technology

Funding bodies: governments are responsible for formulating policies to support R & D to include financial instruments, regulatory instruments and information systems and dissemination. The purpose of these instruments is the promotion, development and technological innovation as a means to social welfare.

  • AGE: the resources allocated within the AGE are included within the General State Budget.
  • Administration of the Autonomous Communities
  • OPIs
  • Corporate Public Entities

Implementing agencies: are responsible for conducting scientific research and technological development.

  • Public universities: are one of the primary resources for research in Spain. Its mission is to generate knowledge through basic research, in addition to its educational mission and trainer.
  • OPIs: responsible for about 80% of public R & D carried out in Spain. OPIs are: CSIC, CIEMAT, INIA, IGME, IEO, Instituto de Salud “Carlos III”, INTA, CEDEX, etc.

Organizations supporting the R&D+I, Business and Society

  • Support Agencies: OTRIS, technology centers, science and technology parks, foundations, etc. .. Are essential to act as intermediaries between supply centers of R & D + I and the corporate sector, apart from providing support to innovative activity.
  • Companies: this is one of the key elements of the system, since the investigation is focused mainly on strengthening the capacity and competitive position of SMEs. In addition to receiving the benefits of policies to support R + D + I play an active role through its own investments and personal training.
  • Society

Assessment Bodies

  • ANEP. National Agency for Assessment and Planning. This is a General Directorate under the Ministry of State, Ministry of Science and Innovation. Its functions are to conduct scientific and technical assessment of the actions of the National R + D + I and contribute to studies and prospective analysis in scientific research and technological development are entrusted.
  • CNEAI. National Commission for Evaluation of Research Activity.evaluates the research activities of university professors and staff of the CSIC's scientific scales, in order that they be recognized and a performance bonus (six years). The assessment is conducted annually to obtain the complement of productivity, researchers have to submit to scientific work assessment for a period not less than six years. To carry out assessments, has CNEAI Advisory Committees made ​​up of experts who follow the technical review of the records. The CNEAI may also appoint additional experts to work in specific areas or for other purposes.
  • ANECA. ational Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation. Se trata de una fundación estatal que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la mejora de la calidad del sistema de educación superior mediante la evaluación, certificación y acreditación de enseñanzas, profesorado e instituciones. Este objetivo está alineado con la finalidad de construir un Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) en el año 2010.
  • CDTI. Center for Industrial Technology Development: Public Enterprise under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, which promotes innovation and technological development of Spanish companies. Since 2009 is the entity of the Ministry of Science and Innovation which channels requests for funding and support to the R + D + i for Spanish companies at the state and internationally.

Support bodies

  • FECYT: State Public Sector Foundation. It is an instrument of the Ministry of Science and Innovation to strengthen the value chain of knowledge through the promotion of science and innovation and promoting integration and closer to society. This foundation provides skills in communication and dissemination of science and technology through the National Programme for Scientific Culture and Innovation, incorporated into the Work Programme 2009 of the National R + D + I 2008-2011. Other roles played by the foundation are: to promote the transfer of knowledge in innovative and entrepreneurial talent, leading the process of integration and rationalization of information and metrics of science and innovation, promoting the generation of demonstrating the value returns competencies and implement a management model user-oriented and based on excellence.