Meteorología y fenómenos extremos

Integrating Land and Flood Risk Management: Rural Issues and Urban Issues

Mon, 14/11/2005 / Mon, 21/11/2005

Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)

Flood Management of Properties

Wed, 30/11/2005 / Wed, 30/11/2005

Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)

World Wetlands Day Conference: Landscape Scale Wetlands - Developing Visions

Wed, 01/02/2006 / Thu, 02/02/2006

The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM)

Sediment dynamics and the hydromorphology of fluvial systems

Mon, 03/07/2006 / Fri, 07/07/2006

The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS);The International Commission on continental Erosion (ICCE)

2 nd von Humboldt International Conference ; The Role of Geophysics in Natural Disaster Prevention

Mon, 05/03/2007 / Fri, 09/03/2007

Instituto Geofísico de Perú;European Geosciences Union

Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Monitoring and Prediction of Disasters

Mon, 25/09/2006 / Tue, 26/09/2006

International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

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