Uso racional del agua

4th Conference of International Water History Association : Water and Civilization

Thu, 01/12/2005 / Sun, 04/12/2005

International Water History Association (IWHA); UNESCO

3rd APHW Conference "Wise Water Resources Management Towards Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction"

Mon, 16/10/2006 / Wed, 18/10/2006

Consejo Nacional de Investigación de Tailandia (NRCT); Asociación de Investigadores; Asociación de Hidrología y Recursos Hídricos de Asia Pacífico (APHW)

31st WEDC Conference: Maximizing the Benefits from Water and Environmental Sanitation

Mon, 31/10/2005 / Fri, 04/11/2005

Centro del Agua, la Ingeniería y el Desarrollo (WEDC)

Joining across the Water

Thu, 07/10/2004 / Fri, 08/10/2004

CICLEAU project

Efficient. 3rd International Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water

Mon, 14/03/2005 / Fri, 18/03/2005

International Water Association (IWA)

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