
Water in Africa

WWF - The Global Conservation Organization

Water Supply and Sanitation, Development of Small Towns' Management Models

Water and Sanitation Program - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento

Alternative Technologies for Water and Sanitation Supply in Small Towns

Centro Panamericano de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ciencias del ambiente (CEPIS);Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)

Water and Sanitation Sector Reform in Uganda: A Government-Led Transformation

Water and Sanitation Program - Programa de Agua y Saneamiento

Monitoring Millennium Development Goals for Water and Sanitation

IRC Centro Internacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento

Millennium Development Goals Report

Naciones Unidas - United Nations

Community-driven development for water and sanitation in urban areas

Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) - Consejo de Colaboración para el Abastecimiento y el Saneamiento

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