Calidad del agua

The Fourth International Conference on Healthy Water in the Arab World and activities of the Arab Hydrogeologists League

Mon, 03/05/2010 / Wed, 05/05/2010

Arab Healthy Water Association/ Arab Hydrogeologists League

SCENES Final Conference in Budapest

Wed, 23/03/2011 / Fri, 25/03/2011

The SCENES project and particularly the Hungarian partners RISSAC and BUTE DSEE

Clean Water for a Healthy World

Mon, 22/03/2010 / Mon, 22/03/2010

Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico del Agua (CIDTA) Universidad de Salamanca

Urban Groundwater Use. Policy Issues in a Thirsty World

Mon, 22/03/2010 / Mon, 22/03/2010

Instituto del Agua (Universidad de Barcelona)

World Water Day

Mon, 22/03/2010 / Mon, 22/03/2010

PNUMA (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente);

Benchmarking Exercise & Recommendations on the Application of the Water Framework Directive

Sun, 21/03/2010 / Thu, 25/03/2010

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), España; Instituto Agronómico y Veterinario Hassan II de Agadir (IAV), Marruecos; Red Mediterránea de Organismos de Cuenca (REMOC), España; Facultad de agricultura d ela Universidad de Jordania, Jordania;

Impact of Global Warming on Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa

Mon, 20/09/2010 / Tue, 21/09/2010

Universidad Americana de Líbano

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