medio ambiente

Workshop on Knowledge and Practices of Using Treated Sewage Sludge on Land

Tue, 15/04/2008 / Wed, 16/04/2008

European Water Association EWA

Application of renewable energy in the purification of drinking water and wastewater treatment.

Mon, 12/05/2008 / Tue, 20/05/2008


WWW-YES 2009: 8th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists - Urban water: resources and risks, a developing countries perspective

Tue, 02/06/2009 / Fri, 05/06/2009

CEREVE, Paris-Est University, UFMG and H2o foundation y con apoyo financiero de Val-de-Marne County

Environmental Hydrogeochemical Modelling

Mon, 04/05/2009 / Fri, 08/05/2009

AMPHOS Scientific and strategic environmental consulting

Short course of the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education: Processes and Applications

Mon, 15/06/2009 / Fri, 03/07/2009

UNESCO-IHE (Instituto para la Educación Hídrica)

New culture and sustainable water management

Tue, 19/05/2009 / Fri, 19/06/2009


Towards the sustainable water management

Mon, 29/06/2009 / Wed, 01/07/2009

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

International Course about General and Applied Hydrology

Mon, 01/02/2010 / Wed, 30/06/2010

CEDEX (Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas)

Water Safety Plan Training in Morocco

Mon, 03/05/2010 / Sun, 07/03/2010

ONEP-IEA, Cap-Net, UN-Habitat/Alliance Globale pour les Partenariats entre Opérateurs des Services d’Eau-, Association Africaine des Opérateurs de l’Eau/WOP-Africa et International Water Association

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