gestión del agua

International Conference on Water and Urban Development Paradigms

Mon, 15/09/2008 / Fri, 19/09/2008

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

WMHE 2009: Eleventh International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering

Tue, 01/09/2009 / Sat, 05/09/2009

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulics, Hydrology and River Engineering, Skopje, Macedonia.

PCCP High-level Training on the Resolution of Water Disputes

Tue, 21/10/2008 / Thu, 23/10/2008


International IAHS-PUB Symposium and the 2nd International China-PUB Symposium: Hydrological Modelling and Integrated Water Resources Management in Ungauged Mountainous Watershed

Fri, 07/11/2008 / Sun, 09/11/2008

International Association of Hydrological Science (IAHS); National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC); Sichuan University; Tsinghua University; Institute of Geographic Sciences & Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing Normal University

XIII World Water Congress

Mon, 01/09/2008 / Thu, 04/09/2008

Instituto de Investigación sobre Agua y Medio Ambiente de Languedoc, Asociación Internacional de Recursos Hídricos, Desarrollo hídrico: Estudios e Investigación en Ciencias del Agua

International Conference on Water and Urban Development Paradigms

Mon, 15/09/2008 / Fri, 19/09/2008

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (K.U.Leuven), Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning (K.U.Leuven), Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (VUB), among others.

IWA World Water Congress Daily

Sun, 07/09/2008 / Fri, 12/09/2008

International Water Association

Day special events in the management of water resources in Brazil

Mon, 11/08/2008 / Wed, 13/08/2008

Tribuna del Agua de Brasil

IHP 2008 Capri: The Role of Hydrology in Water Resources Management

Mon, 13/10/2008 / Thu, 16/10/2008

Sapienza University of Rome; Institute for Coastal Marine Environments CNR, Naples; WARREDOC University for Foreigners, Perugia; University of Florence; University of Genoa; Tuscia University, Viterbo; and University of Perugia

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