directiva marco del agua

Application of the Directive Frame of Water in Europe

Wed, 20/10/2004 / Fri, 22/10/2004

Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos

Environment in the 21st. Century. The framework directive on water policy

Tue, 20/07/2004 / Sat, 24/07/2004

Unviersidad de Murcia

Integrated management of the hydric resources

Mon, 18/07/2005 / Fri, 22/07/2005

Universidad Jaume I

Workshop to Evaluate the Conditions of the DMA in Spain Rivers

Wed, 25/05/2005 / Wed, 25/05/2005

WWF/Adena; Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

II Course on River Ecology and Rivers and rRversides Restoration

Mon, 17/10/2005 / Fri, 21/10/2005

Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX)

Use and Sustainable Management of Water Systems

Mon, 30/11/2009 /

Fundación ASMOZ

New culture and sustainable water management

Mon, 05/04/2010 / Fri, 07/05/2010


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