
Indowater 2009

Wed, 17/06/2009 / Fri, 19/06/2009

METI (Indonesian Renewable Energy Society)

Singapore International Water Week

Mon, 22/06/2009 / Fri, 26/06/2009

Singapore International Water Week Pte Ltd

VII National Congress on Environmental Law. Environmental Law vs.Climate Change

Wed, 22/04/2009 / Fri, 24/04/2009

ADAME (Asociación de Derecho Ambiental Español)

Conference on Research in the Area no Saturated Soil

Wed, 18/11/2009 / Fri, 20/11/2009

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, CSIC, Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Rovira i Virgili

XIII Congress of the Spanish Association of Remote Sensing."Water and Sustainable Development"

Wed, 23/09/2009 / Sat, 26/09/2009

Gobierno de Aragón, Universidad de Zaragoza

World Water Week

Sun, 16/08/2009 / Sat, 22/08/2009


2nd World Forum on Delta and Coastal Development

Tue, 10/02/2009 / Thu, 12/02/2009


IV International Symposium on Karst

Tue, 27/04/2010 / Fri, 30/04/2010

Centro de Hidrogeología de la Universidad de Málaga (CEHIUMA) y Departamento de Geología. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Málaga

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