agua residual

Modern Tools and Methods of Water Treatment for Improving Living Standards

Wed, 19/11/2003 / Sat, 22/11/2003

University of Manitoba (Canada); Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Ucrania); Dnepropetrovsk Municipal Administration (Ucrania)

Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Tue, 01/06/2004 / Fri, 04/06/2004

International Water Association (IWA)

International Conference on Wastewater Treatment for Nutrient Removal and Reuse

Mon, 26/01/2004 / Thu, 29/01/2004

Asian Institute of Technology

Gestión de Residuos Generados por el Tratamiento de Agua y Aguas Residuales

Tue, 09/08/2005 / Tue, 12/08/2008

Instituto Sudafricano del Agua (WISA) y la Asociación Internacional del Agua (IWA)

8° Congreso Mundial de Metrópolis

Wed, 11/05/2005 / Sun, 15/05/2005

Estado Federal de Berlín

Wastewater Treatment and WFD Implementation in CEE Danube Countries

Thu, 01/12/2005 / Fri, 02/12/2005

Association of Wastewater Treatment Experts(AWWTE), International Water Association (IWA), Global Water Partnership(GWP), European Water Association (EWA)

IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition

Sun, 10/09/2006 / Thu, 14/09/2006

International Water Association

AWWA/WEF Joint Management Conference

Sun, 19/02/2006 / Wed, 22/02/2006

American Water Works Association (AWWA);Water Environment Federation's (WEF)

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