
5th International Dialogue about World Water Crisis: Water and Cooperation

Fri, 11/12/2009 / Fri, 11/12/2009

Green Cross España

SWITCH. Managing Water for the City of the Future

Wed, 07/10/2009 / Sat, 10/10/2009


Wallingford User Conference

Tue, 15/09/2009 / Wed, 16/09/2009

Wallingford Software

Increasing Public Confidence in the Recycling of Organic Resource (SORP)

Thu, 19/02/2009 / Thu, 19/02/2009

The Geological Society

International Conference on Water, Environment and Health Sciences: The Challenges of Climate Change (ICWEHS)

Mon, 13/04/2009 / Fri, 17/04/2009

Universidad de las Americas, Puebla (Mexico)

4th Workshop on 'The pipes in water supply and sanitation systems'

Wed, 11/02/2009 / Fri, 13/02/2009

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

2nd Seminar Specific Stations Desalination Water Marina EDAMs

Tue, 24/02/2009 / Wed, 25/02/2009

iiR España

Conference on Research in the Area no Saturated Soil

Wed, 18/11/2009 / Fri, 20/11/2009

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, CSIC, Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Rovira i Virgili

XIII Congress of the Spanish Association of Remote Sensing."Water and Sustainable Development"

Wed, 23/09/2009 / Sat, 26/09/2009

Gobierno de Aragón, Universidad de Zaragoza

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