Foro de política Aquawareness "Agua 2030- ¿a quién le importa?

Aquawareness Policy Forum “Water 2030 – who cares?”

European Water Partnership

Lun, 22/03/2010 / Mar, 23/03/2010

The Water Vision for Europe together with Aquawareness, the European Water Awareness and Water Stewardship Programme, were successfully launched on June, 30th 2008 within the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels with the participation of the European Institutions as well as leading multinationals.

Since the launch several activities were pursued – throughout Europe regional workshops on the Water Vision for Europe gave an insight into the regional priorities, challenges and solutions Europe’s water is facing. These findings were presented globally during the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul in March 2009.

A strategic policy review process has been now started in a multi stakeholder approach to gain consensus based recommendations from key stakeholders. These recommendations will identify the major strenghts and weaknesses as well as key actions to implement the Vision aims by 2030.

European Water Partnership