12º Simposio Internacional de ríos

12th International Riversymposium

International Water Centre; University of Queensland; Griffith University; International Riverfoundation;

Lun, 21/09/2009 / Jue, 24/09/2009

From the streams that are the source of rivers to the estuaries leading to the sea, the condition of each element of a catchment is vital to the health of its river.

The 12th International Riversymposium, will be full of vibrant discussions and fora on factors influencing different areas of the catchments. The focus will be on the interactions between these catchments and the activities that take place within them. Themes will examine strategies for coping with changing conditions, uses and policies for catchments and their management now and in the future.
The overall theme for 2009 is Rivers from Source to Sea.

International Water Centre; University of Queensland; Griffith University; International Riverfoundation;
(Brisbane, Australia)