2º Simposio Internacional sobre Tecnologías Aplicadas al Manejo del Agua y Aguas Residuales en las Civilizaciones Antiguas

2nd International Symposium on Water and Wastewater Technologies in Ancient Civilisations

International Water Association (IWA)

Jue, 28/05/2009 / Sáb, 30/05/2009

The principal aims of the Symposium are:
• To reveal the cultural heritage concerning water and wastewater in several regions of the world and to make visible the archeological (ancient and traditional) remnants of practices which have contributed to the diachronic development of the related management technologies
• To describe and evaluate the pre-industrial hydraulic technologies, which on a long term may contribute to water and wastewater management systems and to the development of integrated methodologies
• To develop systems based on ancient technologies using modern equipment, which may be of great significance for water, wastewater and environmental management in the future.

International Water Association (IWA)
(Bari, Italia)
Renato Drusiani

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