Programa Internacional de Entrenamiento Avanzado de la Agencia Sueca de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (ASDI): Procesos Integrados – Recursos Hídricos Urbanos Sostenibles e Higienización

Sida Advanced International Training Programme: Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation - Integrated Processes

Organismo Sueco de Desarrollo Internacional (Asdi); Universidad de Lund

Lun, 26/10/2009 / Vie, 13/11/2009

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) offers, as part of its bilateral development assistance, Advanced International Training Programmes of strategic importance to the social and economic development in the participants’ countries. The overall objective of the 2009 programme on 'Urban Water and Sanitation' is to provide the participants with understanding and knowledge about the need for integrated approaches and the organisational and institutional changes that are necessary for a sustainable provision of water supply and sanitation services in urban areas.
The following countries are invited to nominate candidates to the programme: Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, The Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Georgia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine, Bolivia, Honduras and Iraq. Closing date for application is 9 April 2009. Online applications are encouraged.

Organismo Sueco de Desarrollo Internacional (Asdi); Universidad de Lund
(Lund, Suecia)
Maria Flores