Conferencia 2008 sobre agua y sanidad

Sanitation and Water Conference 2008

Australian Government

Lun, 27/10/2008 / Mié, 29/10/2008

World Vision Australia is pleased to present the Sanitation and Water Conference 2008. Produced with the support of the Australian Government through AusAID and with the assistance of the Watsan Reference Group, the Sanitation and Water Conference 2008 will be a significant event in the International Year of Sanitation. It will focus attention on the challenge of sanitation and water development in East Asia and the Pacific.

Speakers for the conference include:
(please note speakers may change)

* Bob McMullan MP, Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance - keynote address
* Piers Cross, formerly the Global Manager and Regional Leader in Asia and Africa of the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program - Master of Ceremonies
* Tim Costello, CEO of World Vision Australia - keynote address
* Clarissa Brocklehurst, Chief Water, Environment and Sanitation, UNICEF
* Jaehyang So, Global Program Manager, Water and Sanitation Program, World Bank
* Almud Weitz, Regional Team Leader, Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank
* Jocelyn Loughman, World Vision Vanuatu
* Carolien van der Voorden, Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council
* Bert Diphoorn, Director (Ag), Human Settlements Financing Division, UN-HABITAT
* Dr Juliet Willetts, Research Principal, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney
* Bronwyn Powell. International Water Centre
* Alison Baker, GHD

Australian Government
(Melbourne, Australia)