Descalcificadores y contaminación (Título original: The faces of softener bans) -Artículo-

[The faces of softener bans]

In recent years, water treatment dealers nationwide have inevitably heard the news no POU/POE dealer ever hopes to hear — regulators have passed a softener discharge ban in their community or a community they service. So far, the softener and discharge bans have taken on a wide range of appearances nationwide. From Texas, where a 2001 statewide regulation banned discharge of softener waste into septic systems, to the Midwest where some Michigan communities have banned brine discharge into the municipal sewage system, and California, where just last month the city of Fillmore became the second California city to prohibit any new water softener installations — period. The following pages detail the measures the POU/POE industry is taking to overcome these bans and offer a small sampling of the hardships endured by the many water treatment dealers affected throughout the country. Más información

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